
Quizzes | How Generous Are You?

How Generous Are You?

Are you constantly doing things for other people without thinking about yourself? Would you rather give than take? We think there is a scale to generosity. Take our quiz and see where you measure up!

Tags: personalityemotionshalo effectholiday 

  • Your data plan is seriously low but your friend's phone battery died and he really needs to check something online. He promises to be really quick. Do you spare some data?

    • No. Data is precious. I need it.
    • No. I'm sure someone else can help him.
    • I guess so...
    • Absolutely.
  • You go out for pizza with some friends, and after everyone drops their share on the table, you're a couple bucks short for the tip. What do you do?

    • What's a "tip"?
    • Leave the amount as is -- tips are flexible.
    • Make everyone cough up a few more bucks so we can tip the server. It won't be too much more.
    • Just throw in a little extra cash from my wallet. No need to ask everyone else.
  • When it comes to birthday and holiday gifts, how much do you usually put into them?

    • A lot of time and effort. I go full out!
    • Some time and effort. I definitely put some thought into them.
    • Not much time and effort. But it's better than nothing, right?
  • Would you spend your own allowance or hard-earned money on a gift for your teacher?

    • For my favorite, favorite teacher in my whole life, yeah.
    • No, my parents can buy that one.
    • Sure. It's my teacher after all.
  • Shopping for holiday presents for friends and family is:

    • Nothing but pain. Who came up with gift-giving anyway!?
    • My favorite. I love finding the perfect present.
    • A pain, but if I think about how much I love the people I'm shopping for it gets better.
  • You love giving gifts because:

    • I love to see the look on people's faces when they see what I found for them.
    • I am a champion gift giver and I love that people know that about me.
    • I don't really love giving gifts. I do it because I'm supposed to.
  • Have you ever done volunteer work for a charity organization?

    • Yes, because I was part of a school group or other group that did some volunteer work together.
    • Yes, on my own. Volunteering is so rewarding.
    • I tried but they said I was too young.
    • No.
  • A close friend's computer breaks down a few days before a big paper is due. He/she asks to borrow your laptop to type up the assignment -- for just one night. What's your response?

    • Sure. It's only one night. I can spare technology for an evening.
    • No. It's MINE.I might suggest they go to the library or something.
    • OK, but if I ever ask to borrow anything, he/she better say yes.
  • Why be generous?

    • Because possessions don't bring true happiness, but making other people smile does.
    • Because what goes around comes around.
    • I don't know... because you're a total sucker?
  • You win a $100 gift certificate singing the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song in a karaoke contest. How will you spend it?

    • I'll buy a little something for my BFF, and a big something for myself.
    • I'll buy a bunch of little surprises for my friends and family. Share the love!
    • I'll buy myself something nice. I'm the one who won, so I deserve it!